Friday, April 29, 2011


Great job tonight Wind Ensemble - 2 2 1 on the floor, 2 in sight reading. Thanks for a great season!
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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tri-Arts Festival

The BHS Jazz Bands will be performing at the Tri-Arts Festival, along with the ULL and HMS Jazz Bands, on Thursday, April 14. Students need to dress nicely, arrive by 6:15, and the performance will start at 7. Families are encouraged to arrive early to support the other arts, visit the display cases, and so forth. See you Thursday night!

Friday, April 8, 2011

What a day!

Back at the hotel after an AMAZING day. Spent all morning getting music while the kids went to the Aquarium... Free time in the afternoon at the beach with cool, but nice, weather... Good dinner at Golden Corral... OUTSTANDING performances by the Concert and Jazz Bands... Ice cream at Friendly's... All's well that ends well!

One crisis averted...

Long story short, all of our music is in the BHS band room! We managed to get our performance times moved to later tonight, and all of our music has been scanned/emailed/faxed to us from 5 different sources. While I was busy getting the music, the kids got the chance to visit the Virginia Aquarium, and had a terrific time. Sorry I don't have pics, but I've been on the computer and phone all day. It only gets better from here, right?!?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Our Hotel, part 2

The view from our hotel - nice, eh?!?

Medieval Times

Welcome to, "Medieval Times!"
Main Entrance

Go Red Knight!

Are we having fun, or what?

The Red Knight is the first one on the right - of course, he was also the first one eliminated from the tournament...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

on our way

We've just left BHS, and we're on the road to Virginia Beach. Wish us luck!
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